Policy Meeting Minutes September 22, 2004
1. RRSP vs. MSP - MSP benefit: each employee eligible for MSP pays $54 each month ($27 each cheque) so that Spectrum is able to continue matching RSP contributions up to $75 - all employees can apply for premium assistance to aid with MSP payments, if you are on premium assistance, Spectrum pays for 100% of what’s left after premium assistance reduces the monthly rate. - MSP Contribution formula is currently flat rate of $54/month for each employee. Would it make sense to adjust that to a percentage as people who are single pay 100% of their coverage, while people with family coverage pay 50%? This would reduce the savings from the employee contributions and would require a reduction in RRSP contributions by Spectrum. - Creating an option for employees to opt out of RRSP contributions and regain full MSP coverage was discussed. This option would create a more comions as well as possible confusion for new staff. - Majority of staff seem to like the change that happened six months ago and are willing to continue as it stands now. - This benefit will be reviewed again in 6 months when all wages and benefits get evaluated.
2. September 27, 2004 is the Annual Spectrum Society Forum at Oakridge Auditorium at Oakridge Mall. - Any staff who wishes to participate can give feedback on Spectrum changes, goals, or any other topic - The time for the forum is 6:30pm – 9pm and there will be food and drinks there - Thought has been put into having financial planning workshops such as budgeting tips and long-term planning. - Possible associations that could provide this information to us would be Vancity or Standard Life - It’s possible that Standard Life may talk more about RSP options only and not be as open and innovative with ideas as Vancity. - May need two different times for these workshops ex. 1pm-3pm, 6pm-8pm - Another topic for a workshop would be to educate more about how the tax system works as some people work more than one job and once their combined income is totaled, not enough taxes have been taken off. Possible solutions are saving up extra money before tax time, or having each job take off more for taxes. 3. Strategic Planning Questionnaire, draft copy - This will be sent out to employees and clients as well as families - Possible add on to questionnaire, “We are always looking for new ideas, do you have any suggestions?” - What about clients with micro boards, do the micro boards get a questionnaire as well? - Someone posed to get a suggestion box in office - Someone else posed to have a personal questionnaire - What about the employees who are also family members? Do they get two questionnaires?
4. RSP investment options from Standard Life - If you want to use the website you first need to call and get your access code and password before you can log on. - 1-800-242-1704, press 1 for service in English, then extension number 5010 is the Western Region you will then speak to a representative who can give you your access code and password to use the secured website. - Website address is www.standardlife.ca - All RSPs are transferable to other RSPs or withdrawable. - Simply fill out the necessary form to do so or phone 1-800-242-1704 - Timeliness of contributions for RSPs - This is planned on happening every month when it was mailed out, sometimes it wouldn’t happen for 2 months. - Currently this will be done every 3rd week of each month and all happens via email now 5. Employee Handbook - Susan has reviewed orientations for new staff and has decided it may be possible to collaborate some of the handouts given to new staff into the policy manual to avoid excess loose papers - The table of contents for the employee handbook will be posted on the website - Current sick client policy states that they can stay at home if they are sick. New draft policy also states that staffs know about individual care plans for client specific protocols. - In the section about when to seek emergency intervention, #5 is about falls and claims to call if limbs are in unnatural position. This needs to be expanded on a bit as people could be seriously injured even if they do not appear to be after a fall. - Another add on to this page could be, “If unclear about the situation, when in doubt, call 911.” - CIR guidelines about reportable issues are different than Spectrum’s guidelines - If something happens and it is outside of GP’s hours, would staff be given the suggestion to go to the clinic, or do they wait till the GP is working since they have all the medical records - Often GP’s will have an on call physician through their office, so if you call the doctor’s office, you will either get dispatched to the on call physician or be given another number to call - BC Health Guide has a 24 hour nurse line local calling: 604-215-4700, tollfree elsewhere within BC is: 1-866-215-4700, deaf and hearing impaired toll free province-wide: 1-866-TTY-4700 or log onto www.bchealthguide.org - Guidelines should be based on individual’s care plan - Draft procedure for conducting fire drill - Earthquake drills should be done 2 times per year, listen to AM radio - Client support policy reviews head to toe check - Manuals get most up to date versions so the new staffs are always given the most current policies - There is a what’s new section on the website of the manual - Discussion around having the orientation material at all houses 6. Key workers/Delegation - What’s fair to be delegated? - What options do key workers have for letting managers know they need more time or feel they have too much work? - Kira and Jen’s talked about it at their last meeting and decided to ask for help and to let it be known there isn’t enough hours. It makes more sense for the key worker to do more work if the manger doesn’t have many line shifts. - Person centered planning for key workers - Clothing applications/banking/medical appointments/quarterly reports/medications/family support/social - Program centered planning - Vehicle maintenance/scheduling/house maintenance/petty cash - Some key workers have felt frustration around what was being delegated to them - Anne Maria has a page on Key Worker guidelines – this will be added to the employee manual as well. - Some houses have managers that have many line shifts, some houses have managers that don’t do line shifts - Who does ISP updates? - Delegation keys: 1. Clear definitions of task 2. Adequate resources 3. Report back/support feedback - Head to toe check should be done upon arriving on shift. - Record anything unusual ex. Bruise, runny nose Safety Committee: Employee Assistance program? Staff knowledge of this Interlock Employee Assistance Programs:
-Review back safety with teams who do lifting or transferring, possibly get an in-service from physio or occupational therapist - Physio training? - Key worker/managers can train on lifts/transfers, not a transfer of function from physio
7. Minister of Finance-Surplus feedback - Health - Education - Post-Secondary Education - Other - Reduce taxes - Pay down Debt People should fill out form on the Ministry of Finance website to provide feedback: http://www.leg.bc.ca/cmt/37thparl/session-5/fgs/questionnaire.htm Government options include health care and education – they don’t mention social services. Waitlists in Social Services are not being addressed. Date of next meeting: January 19, 2005, 4pm-7pm at the Spectrum office. - Postponed to February 2, 2005 |